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Eyebrows Makeup


From hyper-realistic microblading to a soft powdery ombré brow, as well as beautiful combinations to blend the best of both worlds. The ideal shape and shade will be carefully selected and agreed upon.

Please Note-

Unfortunately not every client is a candidate for every type of permanent makeup, therefore a consultation prior to your appointment is required.

eyeliner makeup


 Lash line enhancement is a permanent eyeliner beauty treatment that is getting very popular. This method involves creating a delicate black or dark brown line across the top lashes. For this look, pigment is inserted between the lashes to achieve the illusion of fuller and darker lashes.

Shot of cosmetologist making mesotherapy injection with dermapen on face for rejuvenation


Bottom line: If it doesn't offer real results, it won't be offered here.

Now offering express and add-on dermaplane services This manual exfoliation involves the use of a sterile surgical blade, that gently scrapes away the top layer of dead skin cells and fine hair, which enhances the penetration and speed of your personal skin care regimen.

ProCell microchanneling is a noninvasive procedure designed to stimulate your body’s own natural ability to generate collagen, elastin, and other building blocks of healthy skin. By stimulating the outermost layers of the skin, microchanneling can help your body start this process without penetrating into living tissue.

Image by Hayley Kim Design


This life-changing service will enhance the length, curl, fullness, and thickness of your natural eyelashes. Medical grade adhesive is carefully used to apply the extensions to each natural lash 1–2 mm from the base, never making contact with the eyelid. Each style is customized to each client to suit individual preference as well as the best option for growth and retention. Most of the time, a beautiful hybrid set of light fans plus individual classic extensions is the ideal look that happy clients come back for.

Long Lashes


A lash lift is a semi-permanent treatment that aims to curl your lashes upward so you can ditch the eyelash curler.  This service is all about enhancing the lashes that nature gave you. Your lift will typically last about 6-8 weeks, about the same length as a normal lash cycle.

Image by Taylor Heery


Tinting services use a safe, semi-permanent vegetable based dye to make brows and lashes appear thicker, darker, and fuller. The procedure lasts for 20 minutes, but the color stays on for about 3 to 6 weeks. This low maintenance look is amazing for blondes, to do pre-beach vacation or for anyone looking to save some time in the morning.

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